Friday, August 06, 2021


how could you know,

how could you know
you are more than you are valued.

how could you know
it's the last mile. 

【天使】世界需要你@ LoveNPeace :: 痞客邦::

You will be safe.You will be guided.You will weather the storms of life with angels by your side and the love of the Divine within you.You can, if you are willing, intend that you want to participate only in peace.In peace, you are guided. In peace you are protected. In peace you begin to feel the the intense Love that flows to you, through you, and indeed,  ultimately, is you. In peace, you will not only weather the storms of life, you will be guided around them. You are the peace dear ones. The world needs you.

Love letter to

伊有被好好地愛著  這對我來說是最無上的validation  胸無大志的我  只希望能和家人一起快快樂樂的生活 除此之外別無所求  越來越清晰 越來越明朗  原來我想要過的是我高中時的生活  每天去學校上學跟同學玩  下課後在校夜自習寫功課  晚上回家一邊吃媽媽炒的炒青菜一邊看...