Saturday, May 14, 2005


today we went to bar, martini, cosmopolitan, nice-looking guy and music
kind of 頹廢的感覺
but it's not the end of the century, it's the start
but people still can't find the "right" way to innovate
閃亮亮生物 型男
how does it feel when being around by such arms and being stared by such eyes?
the smell , the warmth , and the safety
I can't stop my fantasy
Look at me in the mirror
色彩繽紛稍稍裸露的春裝 閃亮亮的眼睛 偏向右的流海
am I the one that desires love?
I feel lonely enough
am I the one?

and I am very sorry to be so mean to you
I am not that kind of person or I try and pretend not to be in public
but when it comes to you, I become so bitch than I can imagine
you are the one that drive me out of my line
I am so sorry. I don't mean to do so > <
the only part that I just can't get over

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who are you?

Originally from 2018 for the future 小時喜歡讀瓊瑤跟倪匡小說,夢想是當文學少女與正妹情報員,大學誤打誤撞到羅斯福路上念了電機系,被信號系統與拉普拉斯整得七葷八素自信全無,但也結識一群聰明可愛充滿個性的好朋友,在歐洲的軟體公司還有台灣的法律事務所...