Friday, October 05, 2007

Observer | Modern boys and mobile girls

Observer | Modern boys and mobile girls

Japan is something I know from childhood and most probably will keep write about all my life. It carries the memories of myself, makes more ambiguous, coded meaning than a single word, Japan.

No one can really understand it, i guess, the Japan that delights, disturbs and fascinates us today: a mirror world, an alien planet we can actually do business with, a future.

With great complexity originated from the culture and the stupendous triple-whammy modern history but in the other way possessed with the ultimate purity, Japan is a mystery. I want to argue that "hey, all those great cultural heritages are from us" but have to admit that they are evolved and made better by the Japanese.

Well, there are too much to talk about. I love the idea that Japan is the future for us. I can imagine the excitement when western people first see the delicate gadgets and the bustling busily vibrant cities but I guess it only limits to the super big cities such as Tokyo and Osaka.

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Love letter to

伊有被好好地愛著  這對我來說是最無上的validation  胸無大志的我  只希望能和家人一起快快樂樂的生活 除此之外別無所求  越來越清晰 越來越明朗  原來我想要過的是我高中時的生活  每天去學校上學跟同學玩  下課後在校夜自習寫功課  晚上回家一邊吃媽媽炒的炒青菜一邊看...