Friday, December 08, 2017


It’s in such a dark day you brighten me up.
In such smart words you see me through.

Make me feel so high
미치겠어 날 멈출 순 없어

#小弟可愛 #母姐微笑
#跳舞開心 #活力滿點
#地板翻滾 #嘻哈精神
#笑什麼笑 #雙手插腰
#Energetic #에너제틱

12/13/2017 3:03:41 PM

I met a guy I like. I don’t know how’s it gonna to be. But I am positive/optimistic. I believe everything is gonna be fine.

Life is never easy
but I chose to
to love, to work, to connect, to be alive

you are mine and you will be mine.
we will be just fine.

The difference between Optimism and Positive Thinking - Imagine Your Reality : Holistic Business Coaching | Imagine Your Reality : Holistic Business Coaching:
"What’s the difference? Optimistic thinking tends to focus on the idea that everything will work out, and so as a result the person can sometimes be blindsided by situations that occur and not be prepared for them. Positive thinking on the other hand acknowledges that problems can occur and that everything won’t automatically work out, unless the person is prepared to take action. Positive thinking embraces possibilities and looks for solutions without the assumption that everything will automatically work.

It’s important to cultivate positive thinking as a skill. It starts with recognizing where you are limiting your thoughts. If you are telling yourself what you can’t do, that’s an example of negative or limited thinking. Flip it around and tell yourself you can do it. You’ll find that if you believe you can do something, you’ll start to look for ways to actually make it happen. In a given situation, look for the possibilities and then embrace them. By choosing to do that you’ll start seeing how you can solve your problems and you won’t let them bog you down with details.

Positive thinking recognizes that no problem is too large and that every problem has a solution, if you are willing to look for it. It also recognizes that focusing on the negatives will only limit you, because you’ll focus on what those negatives tell you instead of looking for ways to get around them or solve them.

Positive thinking is an essential skill for a business owner. It’s developed by monitoring your thoughts and your attitude and inserting a consciousness focus toward positive thinking. When you aim for possibilities, you never let a negative situation control you."


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Love letter to

伊有被好好地愛著  這對我來說是最無上的validation  胸無大志的我  只希望能和家人一起快快樂樂的生活 除此之外別無所求  越來越清晰 越來越明朗  原來我想要過的是我高中時的生活  每天去學校上學跟同學玩  下課後在校夜自習寫功課  晚上回家一邊吃媽媽炒的炒青菜一邊看...