Wednesday, May 09, 2007


i want to believe the power of change.

喔喔 我真喜歡軟體工程師
整個像是花癡一樣 盯著看甚至覺得害羞了起來
他的聲音還有他的氣質 為什麼這麼吸引我呢?
his voice and his temperament, why does it attract to me so much?
like what we discussed in the interview.
and what he and I talked about in his house.
the software engineers in Europe are some quite different people from those in Asia.
They are outgoing, playful, sporty, sociable and have nothing to do with gloomy, socially inept geek.
and they are surely smart and logical thinking which I admire so much.

his name is Chris Wetherell.

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who are you?

Originally from 2018 for the future 小時喜歡讀瓊瑤跟倪匡小說,夢想是當文學少女與正妹情報員,大學誤打誤撞到羅斯福路上念了電機系,被信號系統與拉普拉斯整得七葷八素自信全無,但也結識一群聰明可愛充滿個性的好朋友,在歐洲的軟體公司還有台灣的法律事務所...