Saturday, March 05, 2005

another cold night in March

[I try to recover...but it's a different writing now]

I feel desperate and tired
See! that's exact the feeling I got last friday
At Friday we meet ,it was a pleasant date but it seems not so anymore.

After the meeting, though it started raining I still decide to ride my scooter home.
Taking off the coat, putting on my jacket,
I look more like a normal girl other than a graceful one.
With the cold wind blowing my face,I started to feel alive and really fresh.
Why should I try to pretend try to be someone I'm not yet
Do I do it out of pressure ? out of my own will? for you or for me?or for the one I thought might care?
It means nothing.....right ? No one cares means nothing to anyone except me
Though I have little expectation you might notice.......
You are a perfect living your perfect life
...........though I know you didn't care about me in any single day.........

I should stop murmuring and complaining
stop thinking about you talking about you
keep from the chance that we meet
but the most effective way is
how can I get over you?

1 comment:

hikari said...

一次一次傷心 難過反省

Love letter to

伊有被好好地愛著  這對我來說是最無上的validation  胸無大志的我  只希望能和家人一起快快樂樂的生活 除此之外別無所求  越來越清晰 越來越明朗  原來我想要過的是我高中時的生活  每天去學校上學跟同學玩  下課後在校夜自習寫功課  晚上回家一邊吃媽媽炒的炒青菜一邊看...