Tuesday, June 02, 2020

the autumn wind

i am meant to forget
it’s also a process of learning
deal with uncertainty, live with uncertainty
but I leave traces everywhere to remind me of what I’ve seen and done. 
I miss the days in Korea. I was free and unattached. 
I wandered in the campus and the city, tentatively stretched myself to discover the world around me little by little in my own pace, to watch people or just to have some time free to feel anything. Nothing is really important. Though we may “pretend” to. Though we did have homeworks to do. 
Oh, it’s me, I am with me. To feel the silence on the 10th floor of W6 alone, to see the little hill now turn to be bald and bleak in winter, in December, recalling just less than 4 months ago, I was lying on the pavilion in the woods hearing and feeling the first sign of the autumn --- the slightly chilly wind, which is in probably mid September (9/20, i found). 

時光如水銀墜地,生活在過去、現在、未來 x 簡單、進行、完成、完成進行
everything I did, I loved, I ate, I saw, I felt, I found. 
I am. 

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