Thursday, November 01, 2007

how are you?

how are you?



I have an enjoyable decent job; a place in the center of Taipei city, close to most spots I like; a new cute well-facilitated Japanese cell phone alone with a new number. I pay my bills and walk on the heels taking 10-min bus to the office. I bought a carpet and the table is on the list. It seems that I now have many things I can only dream about. I sit on the bed bracing my knees and think.


How can life change in these months? If none of what has hurt me were ever happen, would I be a better “me”?

I wish and pray with all my soul, my heart. I wish the blessings on me are on her as well. I wish she’s happy and healthy every day. And, dear God, if you forgive my too many wishes as a human, please keep leading me, guiding the way to the uttermost glory.

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