Sunday, September 29, 2019


When I was little, I was told you have to suffer to have happiness.
Nothing is important until you reach the goal.
You will be happy there, somewhere out there.
I don’t exactly know what it is. But it shall be quite nice.
So, bear with all the tears, hardships, loss, regrets, no complaining.
But who said so?
any guarantee?
There’s nothing there but emptiness. deadly silence.
Hello~~~ is it anyone here?
Yes, I am here, then?
Have I come to the wrong place?
Where is the PARADISE you promised?
is it a scam I got set up?

some part in my heart broke and collapsed.

From the ashes of depression, I learned the new lessons from my hiking and review it, feel it every time I do hiking.
If you (I) do not enjoy the tough road on the way, do not see the view in front of me at the moment, you (I) may never enjoy it.
happiness never suddenly happens in the end but accumulated in every small step on the way.
every step I take move me higher and further.
every small step counts.

it’s the resistance that scratches me deeply from inside.

i wish it shall be cooler.
but everything is the way it is. no more and no less.
just the way it is.

we actually get somewhere in 全羅北道 / 全州 ^^
Daedunsan Provincial Park (Jeonbuk Section) (대둔산도립공원(전북)) Geumgang Gureumdari
Daedunsan in a misty day the waterfall looks dreamy in mist
Daedunsan hiking challenge 
A famous U.S. novelist, Jack Kerouac, once said, "Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain."
The Best Korean National Parks to Visit for Fall Foliage

I wish I can see the red leaves and snow peaks.
but let's see.
I am prepared with everything I need.

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Love letter to

伊有被好好地愛著  這對我來說是最無上的validation  胸無大志的我  只希望能和家人一起快快樂樂的生活 除此之外別無所求  越來越清晰 越來越明朗  原來我想要過的是我高中時的生活  每天去學校上學跟同學玩  下課後在校夜自習寫功課  晚上回家一邊吃媽媽炒的炒青菜一邊看...